VP Robredo to tap Facebook, Google, Microsoft for Remote Internet Access

leni robredo internet project remote areas facebook microsoft google2

Vice President Leni Robredo has shared that she is already preparing for a program to bring Internet connectivity to the remote areas in the country.

In a reply to a comment on asking for Internet Access on her personal Facebook account, the government official shared that she is already preparing for such a program as she’s already in talks with Silicon Valley giants such as Facebook, Google, and Microsoft to discuss ways on making that a reality.

Aside from tech giants, the Office of the Vice President shared that they are also in talks with the country’s major Internet Service Providers (ISPs) for connectivity, and online creative service companies such as Canva for creating much-needed materials for distance education.

leni robredo internet project remote areas facebook microsoft google

This is in response to many stories being reported such as students worrying over internet connections and teachers camping in places where signal strength is at its best. Efforts in remote areas are becoming very challenging, with some succumbing to accidents while finding one.

The Department of Education, however, reminds the public to not worry about gadgets and the Internet with its revamped distance learning program as they say they have prepared sufficient methods for students to learn without Internet access, including printed modules, TV, and radio.

Classes all over the country are expected to resume with distance learning protocols in effect due to the continued threat of the COVID-19 pandemic. As of this writing, the country has more than 28,000 recorded cases of infection, with thousands more still under verification.

The short URL of this article is: https://walastech.com/go/1op5
Carl writes for WalasTech when he's not working full-time. Give him tips and/or leads at [email protected].