Globe Business expand data centers to serve more PH enterprises

Catering to the demands of more businesses

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Globe Business is looking forward to expanding its data centers as the digital adaptation in the Philippines accelerates. This will result in serving more enterprises that are moving their systems and applications to the cloud.

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“The data center is one of the foundations of digital infrastructure that enables the Internet to happen.  This is a high growth, high potential area, and it’s something we’re very committed to.  It is an important infrastructure that the Philippines needs to provide as it becomes digitalized,” said Peter Maquera, SVP for Globe Business.

Three main developments are driving demand for data centers –  increasing data traffic and consumption, the demand for edge computing, and the possibility of the Philippines becoming a regional hub for cloud providers due to its strategic location.

With the increasing data traffic, the Philippines continues to be the earliest adopter of digital with total data traffic per capita growing by 55-60% a year and is expected to reach 40,903 petabytes (PB) by 2025 compared to 473 PB in 2015. On the other hand, data consumption per person per month is likely to reach 28.9 GB in 2025 from 0.4 GB a decade before. This is the result of more people spending more time on the internet than any other country in the Southeast Asia region.

On the other hand, Edge data centers process data and services close to end-users thus reducing latencies, faster load times, and better video streaming. As a result, this creates a demand for more companies that are also looking into localizing content to increase their business’ efficiency.

Meanwhile, the Philippines’ strategic location has contributed to making the country a regional hub for cloud service providers. In addition, multi-cloud adoption and geopolitical tensions between China and the US resulted in pushing Hyperscalers and content delivery networks into the Philippines.

Currently, Globe Business has a nationwide network of data centers serving its internal needs and corporate clients that use cloud-centric applications running on Hyperscalers such as Amazon, Google, Microsoft, IBM, and Oracle, to name a few.

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Nathaniel is a part-time contributor and writes for WalasTech in his free time from work. He is a tech-savvy person, a morning radio program listener, a podcast host and producer, as well as a heavy social media user.