Converge FiberXers look forward to PBA Drafts

Starting strong with new talents in the lineup

Converge FiberXers will be joining its first PBA Draft

The Converge FiberXers will be joining the 47th Season of the PBA this May 15, 2022 – the team’s first PBA Draft. Having the 3rd, 4th, and 15th picks, the FiberXers will be able to start strong as new talent will be added to their line-up.

Converge FiberXers will be joining its first PBA Draft

Converge acquired the Alaska Aces just after announcing the franchise’s exit from the Philippine Basketball Association. Currently, six of the former Alaska Aces have been confirmed to be part of the FiberXers team. Jeron Teng, Ben Adamos, and Taylor Browne have existing contracts with Converge FiberXers carried over from the Alaska Aces. Allyn Bulanadi, RK Ilagan, Kevin Racal, Alec Stockton, and Mike Tolomia have recently signed with the team.

Albert Custodio Agent Danny Espiritu Allyn Bulanadi Dicky Bachmann

“We’re looking forward to the new crop of players for the team”, said FiberXers Coach Jeffrey Cariaso.“ As we start the season, we want to be even better, even more competitive, so integrating new players into the fold will be a great start. There are a lot of fresh new talents coming in this season and we are glad that we managed to keep our picks in the first round of the draft”.

Albert Custodio Alec Stockton Agent Danny Espiritu Dicky Bachmann

Cariaso also said they were looking for players who share their passion and competitiveness in the sport. “ We already have plans on how to build our team. We have already established a foundation from our days with Alaska Aces, so now, we are adapting and evolving as the Converge FiberXers”

Albert Custodio Mike Tolomia Agent Ed Mangahas Dicky Bachmann

“The upcoming draft will be an opportunity for Converge to revitalize and retool the team. As I have said, we are here to win. We are here to compete at the highest level. This is why our selection process will be rigorous and thorough. We want to give this team a chance to win”. Team Governor Chito Salud said.

The Converge FiberXers will start their PBA journey this June 2022.

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Nathaniel is a part-time contributor and writes for WalasTech in his free time from work. He is a tech-savvy person, a morning radio program listener, a podcast host and producer, as well as a heavy social media user.