Weirdest Smartphone Cases of 2021

Even crazier this time around!

weirdest coolest smartphone cases 2021

Phone cases does not only protect our phones, but they also became a fashion statement. It evolved from clear silicone ones, then colored, and several other designs were introduced. Even some shops offered customized phone cases that let you choose your own design or design it yourself.

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But this time, we will move away from the traditional ones that can be bought anywhere as we are giving you a list of the weirdest phone cases that you can buy right now that will catch the public’s attention.

The gun
PHP 408

If you are into action films, guns, and feeling like an action star but still wanna rock that phone, then this is the right one for you! Hold it like a real gun because that is what you paid for, right? WARNING: This is not a real gun.

Screenshot 2021 07 03 211152

The knife
PHP 428

Maybe you are into cooking and have a fancy for knives, well we have one just for you! Just do not mistake this as a real one and chop any food in the kitchen as your precious phone is at stake!

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The frying pan
PHP 481

Another one for those who love to cook! Just do not mistake this as a real frying pan if you do not want to serve a cooked phone in your dinner!

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The cigarette
PHP 109

Well basically, for those who like to smoke or those who just want to show off like they have a pack of cigarettes in their pocket but not really a real one!

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The corn
PHP 406

Okay, we do not want to trigger your corn cravings, we just found this one cute! Just be careful not to grill that corn or should we say phone? Actually, the corn can be used as a stand when watching videos on your phone horizontally. How functional!

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The banana
PHP 240

Somewhere out there is someone who just wants a banana hanging at the back of their phone. Because why not? But do not worry, this will not rot.

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The face mask
PHP 132

This is just simply on brand, no need to explain. Maybe put a string on both ends to make it more real?

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The slipper
PHP 221

All this time we thought that slippers are just for the feet. Well, we are wrong as they also make ones for phones! Just slip your phone inside the case and slip your hand inside the strap and you are good to go! Let us just hope that this will not make your phone slip!

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The bubble pop
PHP 218

Who does not want some poppin’? Usually, we pick a bubble wrap and pop all of it just to pass time, relieve stress, or maybe you are patiently waiting for your turn on the vaccination site. But what if you run out of bubbles to pop? Well with this phone case, you get unlimited pops! Just pop the bubbles and it will go back to its form in an instant!

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The bread
PHP 238

If you are hungry, remind yourself not to bite this! Yes, these look yum but they are not safe for eating! These squishy pieces of bread can also be used as a stand when watching a video on your phone horizontally.

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That is a lot of weird phone cases for you to choose from! We’re pretty sure there are still a lot of others hanging out there. If you got something to share, drop a comment and let us know!

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Nathaniel is a part-time contributor and writes for WalasTech in his free time from work. He is a tech-savvy person, a morning radio program listener, a podcast host and producer, as well as a heavy social media user.