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You can now ‘Add to Cart’ McDonald’s food, merch from Lazada

Fastfood giant expands local online footprint

In a surprising development, McDonalds has now opened its own official Lazada store, offering merchandise and…food?

Fans of the Golden Arches can now avail of food intended for advanced bulk orders and party packages such as group selections, Christmas McCeleb bundles, and McDo Party Box packages. Exclusive merchandise and collectibles.

Aside from the great meal deals, you can also purchase collectible items such as the
McDonald’s Fries Pillow, graphic apron, pencil case, and more. And if you’re feeling a bit
adventurous and would love a surprise, watch out for McDonald’s Mystery Box filled with
premium goodies inside!

McDonald’s flagship store in LazMall is just one of the many ways the brand is able to provide convenient touchpoints for Filipinos. Check out their official store at Lazada’s LazMall.

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Carl writes for WalasTech when he's not working full-time. Give him tips and/or leads at [email protected].