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How to Activate Dark Mode on Facebook App

At last, one legit way so far!

If you’re looking for legitimate ways to darken your Facebook app browsing, then look no further. We have here a set of cool instructions on how you can activate Dark mode on your Facebook app.

facebook dark mode lite app legit 2020 activate steps philippines

Here’s one simple way to activate Dark Mode, as shared by some friends.

Steps to Activate Facebook App Dark Mode

  1. Download Facebook Lite (Google Play Store). If you have one already, make sure it’s updated to the latest version
  2. Sign in your Facebook account.
  3. Click on the last tab, then scroll down to the Dark Mode button and toggle it on.
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Voila! You now have a darkened Facebook App, albeit it’s the Lite app you’ll be using. There are tons of advantages in using the Lite app, as it consumes less RAM, storage, and mobile data. Other users who use AMOLED displays and want pure a dark mode may find this one a bit fad as it’s just a dark gray version.

Did it work for you? Let us know in the comments section below. Else, you’d have to wait for the official Facebook App rollout in the coming months.

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Carl writes for WalasTech when he's not working full-time. Give him tips and/or leads at [email protected].