Using illegal repeaters causes mobile signal and connectivity disruptions

Aside from being illegal, these can also be life-threatening

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Illegal repeaters work by amplifying the signal from a cell tower and hogging the signal that’s meant to be shared with others. This results in illegal repeaters getting boosted signals while others experience poor, interfered, or non-existent mobile service. These devices are troublesome for those who need to make calls and even life-threatening to some especially during disasters and other emergencies.

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The sale, purchase, possession, and use of these devices are prohibited in the Philippines and are considered illegal when imported into the country without proper permits from the National Telecommunications Commission (NTC).

Therefore, NTC has partnered with network operators such as Globe Telecom (Globe) in performing routine inspections and confiscation of illegal repeaters through a Show Cause Order sent to establishments or owners that are found in possession of these devices.

Under NTC Memorandum Order No. 01-02-2013, only licensed CMTS operators, the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC), and other government agencies involved in national security or safety are authorized to purchase, import, possess, and use such devices.

“Illegal repeaters come in the form of indoor or outdoor antennas and wireless adapters that boost network coverage and signal by means of hogging bandwidth from a Globe cell site. As a result, such devices interfere with airwaves and interfere with mobile signals for other customers within the immediate vicinity of the booster and served by the interfered cell site. While we continue to expand our network to deliver first-world connectivity to Filipinos, these efforts will be hindered if illegal repeaters remain in use and will continue to interfere with and degrade mobile network communications,” said Manny Estrada, Globe Head of Technology and Strategy Service Integration.

These devices are being sold anywhere and can be purchased by anyone via social media sites, online shopping websites, and physical electronics and communications stores. So if there is a suspected presence of illegal repeaters in your area, report it immediately to the NTC or Globe by filling out this form.

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Nathaniel is a part-time contributor and writes for WalasTech in his free time from work. He is a tech-savvy person, a morning radio program listener, a podcast host and producer, as well as a heavy social media user.