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‘Faster’ Messenger now rolling out to select users

Messenger from Facebook is now rolling out a faster and sort of a more lighter version of its mobile application service — but not in the form of its standalone app which is Messenger Lite.

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Some users have started reporting yesterday that a new splash screen appears on their main Messenger application indicating that the company is testing a faster version of Messenger. Take note that because of this, some useful and heavy features of the application will be missing or changed. Feature highlights are as follows:

  • Faster – Less loading, more time for your conversation
  • Simplified – Streamlined so you can focus on the people who matter most
  • Improved Performance – Better ways to use your favorite features

You may update to the latest version of Messenger on App Store or Google Play Store to test it out. However, this may be a server-side update so it is not guaranteed that it will also become available on your phone as this may be selective or an incremental update to users.

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Carl writes for WalasTech when he's not working full-time. Give him tips and/or leads at [email protected].